In these difficult economic times, credit can help you stretch your budget. It’s handy to have when the car breaks down, when you’re on vacation, or to assist in making a large payment. But if not used responsibly, or if you experience some unexpected expenses, or job loss, it can hinder your credit score. Vivix Credit Solutions has some suggestions on how to build a better credit score.
If you have no, or a very limited credit history, Vivix Credit Solutions suggests establish some new accounts. Good credit grows out of having credit. And this is the first stop on your route to a more positive credit report.
Vivix Credit Solutions network of providors will review their clients’ credit reports, and understands how they’re comprised. When your credit score is factored, ten percent of it is based on the addition of new credit card accounts. If your new credit cards are managed properly, they will help you obtain a higher credit score. Seek out credit cards with low monthly interest, and make sure there are no hidden costs. Do not open more credit card accounts than your monthly finances can handle. It’s suggested to keep no more than four opened at one time.
It is important to use the cards you have opened. Over a third of your credit score is established on your history of payment and how much debt you have outstanding. So it is important to pay your credit card bills every month, on time, or early if possible. Your credit score is increased if you keep a limited balance in these accounts. Vivix Credit Solutions suggests to keep it less than a quarter of your limit.
Still, with a limited credit history, it may be difficult to obtain a major credit card. If that is an issues, you may consider a department store credit card or a gas card. If you are in need of an item or service that offers Installment Loans, that is another way of building better credit. But these must be treated like other business cards, paid of on time or early, and keeping your balance low.
Another option is a secured card. These are accounts that you pay money into, which in turn becomes your available credit. This is a great opportunity to show your financial responsibilities, and could evolve into a credit line.
Unfortunately, it may be a difficult time for a person with a limited credit history to get a credit card. If that is the case, perhaps a family or a loved one could co-sign on a credit card with you. If you use this credit card wisely, you may soon be able to get one of your own, and further boost your credit score.
Vivix Credit Solutions has assisted hundreds of people just like you to upgrade their credit reports. The first step is easy. To receive your free special report: “The TRUTH About Legal Credit Repair & Your Credit Report” along with a free consultation with one of our credit repair experts, visit: